Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-01-06
- @undacuvabrutha happy christmas, it's a miracle, I have legs! #
- - Seattle Space Needle Fireworks on the video, and some Marital Fireworks in the audio! #
- Travelling by #train means your always going somewhere that matters... Unless you are riding that new California #HighSpeedRail #
- Bored? Come video chat with me at [] #
- I'm in a Tinychat @ [] #
- @urbansoot Sweet. One thing, did you forget lucid-updates? Proposed will have stuff in it that has not been tested... #
- it never ceases to amaze me how badly I can burn my tongue with the liquid hot magma that comes out of my tea thermos 3 hours after steeping #
- ♺ @temojin: RT @mikeal - I think @github has probably the coolest 404 page of all time: (via @mattly) #
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